........ ....................................................................................CENTRO SOCIO-CULTURAL - EMBU GUAÇU, SÃO PAULO

Volunteering: Kay, from Germany!

6 weeks of Aramitan

6 weeks of Aramitan means 42 days of work, travel, excitement and rice and beans. It is crazy how the time went by. I feel like I just arrived yesterday, which would actually explain my continuing lack of Portuguese. But I did learn enough words to get around and be able to join the kids -just like “legal”, “muito bom” or also “para” for the days the children preferred to wreak havoc instead of listening to us. In fact, I keep wondering how they decide when to be angels or when to turn into small monsters. However, they really grew important for me and quickly found their way into my heart.
For me, Aramitan is not only a special place for children to have a place to be looked after, to learn and being loved, it is also a great opportunity to develop for us grown-ups. Living together with seven, sometimes up to nine other people from all over the world, with different habits and way of living, sounds a little bit like difficulties to me. Surprisingly it worked out just fine. The people here at Aramitan are great, welcoming and totally relaxed.  Working and living together gives you the opportunity to get to know different cultures and views on life. There have been evenings where four of us would cook together, each of us with a different nationality. At this point I am highly glad to have English as a lingua franca. J
Since Aramitan is a quite young project, I am really looking forward to see it grow in the next couple of years. Painting some of the rooms gave me a good feeling of doing something for the long term and I really enjoyed it -just like I really enjoyed my whole trip to Brazil.

Thanks for this great experience! 

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